Partout au Canada, des citoyens œuvrent déjà à créer des communautés plus sûres et plus solidaires pour tous les âges. Futur Nous est un outil qui nous aidera à capter et harmoniser cette énergie collective pour le changement, avec l'aide des réseaux existants, pour convaincre nos élus et le grand public à atteindre des objectifs communs.
Cette trousse à outils est destinée aux réseaux de prévention à tous les niveaux, ainsi qu'aux individus et groupes communautaires qui s'engagent dans la prévention de la maltraitance envers les aînés. Ensemble, nous pouvons apprendre à nous mobiliser pour le changement à grande échelle, afin de déraciner l'âgisme qui fait obstacle au bien-être des personnes âgées.
To bring elder abuse and ageism to the attention of decision-makers at all levels of government, in all parties, in their home ridings. Elder abuse is a non-partisan issue. Ask them to help us. Look for champions.
Politicians and the general public. Aging is the shared human experience that includes everyone.
What kind of a future do you envision? Do you worry about what it will be like? Are you willing to take action now for yourself and the generations to come?
In creating the Future Us. Everyone has a role to play – people just need to know how to contribute.
When talking with politicians, remind them them that the lack of prioritization, the lack of funding for direct services to address elder abuse, the lack of a prevention strategy, the lack of infrastructure in the form of elder abuse prevention networks are all signals of an ageist society because the investments to protect against violence and abuse of older people are not being made. As the population ages, the harm and costs will cascade. Non-response or crisis-response is the most expensive and reactive state possible, economically and socially.
Future Us sets out a pan-Canadian vision with a strategic funding path toward broad social change. Sharing costs and alignment of funding will yield significant social returns over time. We have provincial examples such as British Columbia to point to. Any level of government can begin the process and encourage the other levels to contribute and collaborate.
Watch this space. We will add more templates and ideas over the coming months. Future Us is intended to spark ongoing dialogue and action.